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your learning style
[ Скачать с сервера (15.3 Kb) ] 17.02.2013, 10:36

This chart will help you determine your learning style; read the word in the left column and then find the answer that most fits you in the three columns to the right. Your answers may fall into all three columns, but one column will likely contain the most answers. The dominant column indicates your primary learning style. Knowing what kind of learner you are can help you to develop a learning strategy.

When you



Kinesthetic & Tactile


Do you try to see the word?

Do you sound out the word or use a phonetic approach?

Do you write the word down to find if it feels right?


Do you do so sparingly but dislike listening for too long? Do you favour words such as see, picture , and imagine?

Do you enjoy listening but are impatient to talk? Do you use words such as hear, tune , and think?

Do you gesture and use expressive movements? Do you use words such as feel, touch , and hold?


Do you become distracted by untidiness or movement?

Do you become distracted by sounds or noises?

Do you become distracted by activity around you?

Meet someone again

Do you forget names but remember faces or remember where you met?

Do you forget faces but remember names or remember what you talked about?

Do you remember best what you did together?

Contact people on business

Do you prefer direct, face-to-face, personal meetings?

Do you prefer the telephone?

Do you talk with them while walking or participating in an activity?


Do you like descriptive scenes or pause to imagine the actions?

Do you enjoy dialog and conversation or hear the characters talk?

Do you prefer action stories or are not a keen reader?

Do something new at work

Do you like to see demonstrations, diagrams, slides, or posters?

Do you prefer verbal instructions or talking about it with someone else?

Do you prefer to jump right in and try it?

Put something together

Do you look at the directions and the picture?


Do you ignore the directions and figure it out as you go along?

Need help with a computer application

Do you seek out pictures or diagrams?

Do you call the help desk, ask a neighbour, or growl at the computer?

Do you keep trying to do it or try it on another computer?

Категория: Для изучающих английский. Материалы | Добавил: Lud@Art
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