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Главная » Статьи » Методическая копилка » Методическая копилка. Из записных книжек

Letter from a teacher
       Develop a philosophy for yourself and your job. Why do you teach? What do you expect of yourself and your students?Do not chisel this philosophy on stone. Do not be surprised that it changes - be more concerned with the reasons for a change rather than the changes itself. You should show a solid basis of beliefs.
       Do not be just "a teacher", be a professional teacher. Teaching is the most rewarding, demanding and important job in the world. We deal  with the minds of men and the future of the world. Demand professionalism of yourself and your associates. Be prepared to teach at any time in any place to anyone.
       Always be a learner. Never assume you know all the answers or enough material to teach your class. Read constantly. Do not become an encapsulated specialist. Vary the material. Talk to others. Learn to listen to your students, not to what they say but to what they mean. A good teacher learns as much from his students as he teaches to them. Do not be so dogmatic as to accept only your own views. Do not use your textbook as a mental crutch. Any fool can break a book up into 180 reading assignaments and still manage to keep one section ahead of the students, but such a fool should not assume the title of a teacher. At best, he would be a grossly overpaid reading instructor.
       Teacher Development is the process of reflection, examination and change, which can lead to doing a better job and to a personal growth.
                                                            Freeman, 1982.
Категория: Методическая копилка. Из записных книжек | Добавил: Lud@Art (10.08.2010)
Просмотров: 660 | Теги: philosophy, letter, job, students, teacher | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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